She cracks me up. What makes this even more funny is she always wants to sleep with the bathroom light on. Sometimes Phil will go in there and turn it off after she goes to sleep and she will either wake up and turn it on or grill us in the morning to see who turned it off. We asked her the next morning and she said she slept all night with them on. So funny!!
All I could see was fast-forward about 15 years...a Legally Blonde Reese Witherspoon look-alike laying in her bed with all her pink and bling wearing her sleeping mask. What the world!! That's my sassy Livie. And like I said, she's always full of surprises.
3 Shout Outs:
Oh my gosh...her and Bro should hook up...divas one with a purse on his head and one with sleeping eyes...that totally cracks me up...LOVE IT!!! Oh I love our kiddos, never a dull moment, hehe!!
How cute! I can't wait to have our little girl!!
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