Friday, July 30, 2010

The Letter...

Aerospace Support Technologies is the company I work for. It's actually a division of the previous job I had at Logistic Specialties. If you didn't notice by the name, the company focuses most of it's attention on the Air Force. AST is a contractor at TinkerAFB. I've only had this job since February but I have definitely been able to increase the skill set on my resume. That's always a good thing. We are a machine shop that does repairs on anything you might put on an airplane, including A/C's and airplane jacks, just to name a couple. This is a much different atmosphere than I'm used to working but I enjoy it and everyone (most everyone) really looks out for me...probably because I do their payroll. Hehe!! The building we work in is set to be demolished so the government is working on getting another shop prepared for us to work digs!! Well, new in government terms, ha!! Hopefully before the end of the year we will be moved. I'm excited!! The building we work in now is probably one of the original buildings on Tinker...which was started in the 1940s. When we're up and running I'll post pics of my new office area!! Woohoo!!

1 Shout Outs:

Becky said...

I like it! Some of this I didn't know about you!!!