Tuesday, August 24, 2010

E if for...

Easton - Our 2nd born. Easton was born on Dec 15, 2001. He was a bit of a surprise for us because with this pregnancy we didn't find out what we were having. He's a very strong willed, independent kid. I like that he's his own person; walks to the beat of his own drum. I just pray that as he gets older he will use his personality for doing good and being a positive example and leader to those around him. He is definitely a little lover and still enjoys hugs and kisses. Easton plays baseball and enjoys school, he started the 3rd grade this year. He also takes after his dad and is very electronic-savvy. I think if we'd let him he'd play an instrument (we just don't have time for everything!) I took this pic of him while we were in Michigan, I love it!

**ABCs disclaimer - As I move through this I realize things I've forgotten and that bothers me. I may have to do a "Version II" next year!!

1 Shout Outs:

Becky said...

I love that pic of him. He looks so big it almost breaks my heart.