Wednesday, December 2, 2009

30 Days of Blogging

My Super-Cool friend Shannon has inspired me to take on a challenge. She too has a blog, A Plumb Crazy Life, and I don't think she would mind me saying that she was not a 'regular' blogger. So she decided to challenge herself to 30 days of straight blogging. Yesterday was her 30th day and she did it...YAY ShanCat!!! Since I have been less than dedicated to my blog lately I decided to take on her challenge, maybe inspired is a better word. Truth be told I was going to start yesterday since it was the first of December and go the whole month but that didn't happen. Hehe! I know, it looks like I'm already getting off on a bad start but you just watch...and read!!

3 Shout Outs:

Becky said...

You can do it!

Shannon Plumb said...

Go KelDog! (My new nickname for you!) Excited for the next 29 days!

Dancin' in the Rain! said...

If you can do it, I will start the day you end...WOO HOO!!!