Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy 14th Anniversary

I can hardly believe we've been married 14 years. I remember so well our courtship and the first few years of marriage and the giddiness I felt towards Phil. We've been through many things in our marriage but God has brought us through to the other side. Even though the giddiness may be gone it has been replaced with a deeper love and respect for Phil. He's always been an excellent provider for our family, wonderful father to our children, and a husband who has stayed devoted to me and our marriage. I am very thankful for the past 14 years but I also look forward to the blessings that await us. Phil, I love you yesterday, today, and tomorrow!! Love, Kelly

6 Shout Outs:

Nicole said...

Happy Anniv!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations guys!!!!!!!

Ellen Bebout said...

Happy Anniversary!! Love the mustache pic :)

Baroni Family said...

Happy Anniversary to you guys!! Ours will be 13 yrs this year, so we're not too far behind you! We miss ya'll!!! Hopefully we'll be living back in OKC someday soon!!!

Becky said...

Happy Anniversary you guys!

Shannon Plumb said...

Happy Anniversary! Kelly, aren't you so proud of me? I am actually blogging! :)