Last Thursday, Aug 14th, we took all of our kids to their first day of school. Parker is in the 5th grade, Easton is in 1st, and Olivia is in Kindergarten. It is our tradition to take the kids to breakfast every year on the first day of school. The past several years we've gone to I-HOP! Phil and I enjoy it just as much as the kids.
We are very thankful for the teachers the kids got this year. My philosophy on teachers is not to request a specific teacher but to pray that God puts them with the teacher they need and He hasn't let us down yet!! Olivia got the same teacher Easton had last year, who I just found out attends the CoC. When I dropped Olivia off she asked me if I could stay with her for awhile. I think that is so sweet because I know the time is coming when she will want me to leave as quick as possible...much like Parker did this year! Easton got a teacher that is just back this year from maternity leave and she seems very pleasant. Parker got the teacher he wanted but unfortunately none of his close buddies are in his class. So far things are going calls from the principal. We are fortunate in that there is a teacher at their school that we go to church with. She has taken the kids under her wing...that's very comforting. The kids really like her and I think feel special that they get her attention.
In some other family news...I have been added as a permanent employee with the company I work for, Shipley Associates. I was given the opportunity to set my own schedule working 32 hours a week and still be considered a full time/salaried employee. I work 9am-3pm every day. This is wonderful as it allows me to be home with the kids before and after school. It also takes the finacial burden of daycare away. Things are going well!!