Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Stand up for Your Siblings"

I subscribe to a magazine through Focus on the Family called Thriving Family. I love the way this magazine helps you incorporate God into everyday things. It's full of positive information...much needed in our negative world. I came across something this morning that I thought was great and something I definitely want to instill in my kids...hopefully it's not too late!! It's in the Sept/Oct 2010 issue in a section entitled Family Stages. The article is called "Stand up for Your Sibling".

While I typically stay out of my children's squabbles to let them work out their disagreements, I inevitably repeat the same litany:
"Your sister or brother is your very best friend. We are a family. It is your job to defend one another against the world, not tear each other down. If a dispute takes place, it should be in defense of one another. Do you understand?"
They didn't. Or at least I didn't think so.
You can imagine my surprise when at the first parent-teacher conference their teacher raved about how well my children got along. "It is obvious they love each other on the playground and encouraging one another in class." My effort to instill in my children a respect for one another was fruitful. Their loving actions spoke louder than words.~Jamie Driggers

This is a deep desire I've had since my second child was born. I feel like I've failed to teach them the importance loving one another. On occasion they will surprise me and do things for each other out of nothing but pure kindness. As a mother, this brings me such joy. I need to be more prayerful for my kids and especially in how they treat each other.
As I typed the article I noticed something else. The second to last sentence talks about being fruitful. John 15 talks about bearing much fruit. What an amazing God we have that allows us to see the fruit we bear. I don't look at the positive things in my life as 'fruit-bearing' but that's exactly what it is. And this happens because I believe in God and seek to remain in Him, v5. Instead of seeing the negative in people and yourself, look for the fruit.

2 Shout Outs:

Becky said...

Great post! Thanks. And I love that pic of the kids. Who was your photographer?

Catherine T said...

Good stuff Kelly!