I'm disappointed with the 'lack-of' pictures I got this year for Easter. I guess part of it is that my kids are getting bigger and it's not 'cool' for mom to take a million pics. This is usually the time we're able to get atleast one good family pic and none were even taken!! Bummer! I'm sure that's why I'm so late posting this...I wasn't even going to. Brad and Catherine and the girls were here for Easter and I didn't even get any pics of them!! Urgh!!
Well, here's what I have!!
Liv was the only one of my kids that hunted eggs this year!! So sad!
Olivia & Parker
Livie sharing her loot with Easton!
1 Shout Outs:
Man, the boys are lucky she shared her loot. Ashton would've said 'no way!!'.
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