I was tagged by Jeana over at her blog, Keeping Up With the Sorrells, so I guess I should be a good sport and play along. I'm supposed to get the 6th picture from my 6th file in my photos.

Okay, if this couldn't be anymore boring; none the less, this is THE picture. I guess I could have cheated and just gone with something else but I have too much of a guilty conscience (yes, even with something as small as this). This is one of the very first cards I made when I started stamping. In fact, the date on it is Oct 2004. Sheesh!!! That was a long time ago.
I also feel like I need to explain the heading of our newly remodeled Blog. I know it's off center and I've been searching like crazy on how to fix this. I know for some of you AR people, like myself, this was probably bothering you!!