Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's a Family Affair

Last night Phil and I presented our family with a goal: to save money for a family vacation. Here are the rules: you have the option to donate any money to it you want, once something gets put in you can't take it out, the lid does not come off except to turn in the money, and don't take anyone's money without asking. The kids were SO excited. They were looking all over the house for money to put in. Phil and I brought change from places that we had it for them to put in. Easton even put some of his own money in our fund. We told the kids that once we had some money saved they would also be able to help us decide where we would go. All kinds of places started being called out...deciding where to go may be the hardest part.
I think Phil and I are just as excited about this as the kids. We hope this will not only be something fun for the kids but will teach them about the value of saving money and to be cautious about how they spend money. Also, we want them to be proud of their efforts. Phil has already come up with a few ways they can earn money for the bank. One way is when we go out to eat if we can eat for under a certain amount Phil would add the difference to the bank. If you've got any other ideas for us we'd love to hear them.
As our bank fills we'll add pictures and let you know how things are going. We'll also let you know where we decide to go for vacation.

7 Shout Outs:

Jeana said...

Very fun idea!! The kids are at a perfect age for this! SO FUN!!!

Catherine T said...

That's a great idea!

Nicole said...

What a fun idea! That is exactly what me & matt need to do!!!!!!!!

Becky said...

This is a wonderful idea. I want to do this for our next family vacation.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea and awesome pics! You guys are too cute!!

Baroni Family said...

I think that is a wonderful idea!! It will really make the kids appreciate the vaca much more! Good luck! Miss ya'll!

Kelly T said...

Hey Kelly! It's Kelly Tyson. I just found your blog today - I can't believe how big your kids are. They are all three SO beautiful! Glad to see that you guys are doing well!